Inc Directory Reference


file  MCU_Interface_template.h [code]
 Header file for low level S2LP SPI driver. To be copied in the application floder and customized according to the SPI driver used.
file  S2LP_Commands.h [code]
 Management of S2-LP Commands.
file  S2LP_Config.h [code]
 S2LP Configuration and useful defines .
file  S2LP_Csma.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP CSMA.
file  S2LP_Fifo.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP Fifo.
file  S2LP_General.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP General functionalities.
file  S2LP_Gpio.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP GPIO.
file  S2LP_PacketHandler.h [code]
 Configuration and management of the common features of S2-LP packets.
file  S2LP_PktBasic.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP Basic packets.
file  S2LP_PktStack.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP STack packets.
file  S2LP_PktWMbus.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP WMbus packets.
file  S2LP_Qi.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2LP QI.
file  S2LP_Radio.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP RF Analog and Digital part.
file  S2LP_Regs.h [code]
 This file contains all the registers address and masks.
file  S2LP_Timer.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP Timers.
file  S2LP_Timer_ex.h [code]
 Configuration and management of S2-LP Timers using floating point.
file  S2LP_Types.h [code]
 Header file for S2-LP types.