Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C__attribute__Strcture for Operation time
 Cble_adv_param_tThe structure format for setting the advertisement parameters
 Ccam_trigger_config_tStructure to store information related to camera trigger
 Ccam_trigger_setup_tStructure to store information corresponding to hardware and application
 CClockOutputInitS2LP Clock Output initialization structure definition
 Cdevice_tick_cfgStucture for passing the configuration for initializing the Device Tick module
 Cgpio_level_cfgThe configuration parameter for each of the GPIO pin that is being configured in the GPIO level handler module
 Chal_pwm_init_tStruct for initializing the hal pwm module
 Chal_pwm_sequence_config_tConfiguration for a sequence of PWM values. Note that the buffer pointed to in this structure needs to have a lifetime longer than the duration of the PWM
 Chal_pwm_start_tStruct containing the configuration for starting the hal pwm module
 Chal_radio_config_tStructure used to store the data required for radio configuration
 Chal_twim_init_config_tStructure for the TWI master driver initialization
 Cout_gen_config_tConfiguration structure for output pattern generation
 Cpayload_tStructure to store payload
 Cpir_sense_cfgStucture for passing the configuration for initializing the PIR Sense module
 CPktBasicAddressesInitS2LP Basic packet address structure definition. This structure allows users to specify the node/multicast/broadcast addresses and the correspondent filtering options
 CPktBasicInitS2LP Basic Packet Init structure definition
 CPktStackAddressesInitS2LP STack packet address structure definition. This structure allows users to specify the node/multicast/broadcast addresses and the correspondent filtering options
 CPktStackInitS2LP STack Packet Init structure definition
 CPktWMbusInitS2LP WMBUS Packet Init structure definition
 CS2LPIrqsIRQ bitfield structure for S2LP. This structure is used to read or write the single IRQ bit. During the initialization the user has to fill this structure setting to one the single field related to the IRQ he wants to enable, and to zero the single field related to all the IRQs he wants to disable. The same structure can be used to retrieve all the IRQ events from the IRQ registers IRQ_STATUS[3:0], and read if one or more specific IRQ raised
 CS2LPStatusS2LP Status. This definition represents the single field of the S2LP status returned on each SPI transaction, equal also to the MC_STATE registers. This field-oriented structure allows user to address in simple way the single field of the S2LP status. The user shall define a variable of S2LPStatus type to access on S2LP status fields
 Csaadc_limitConfiguration structure of the SAADC limit for a channel
 CSAfcInitS2LP AFC Init structure definition
 CSCsmaInitS2LP CSMA Init structure definition
 Csensepi_cam_trigger_init_config_tStrcture to configure SensePi_PIR module
 CSGpioInitS2LP GPIO Init structure definition
 CSRadioInitS2LP Radio Init structure definition
 CSRssiInitS2LP RSSI Init structure definition
 CSSymClkRecInitS2LP Clock Recovery Init structure definition
 Ctssp_detect_config_tStructure to store information required to use this module