Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 ApplicationsAll the applications that this repository contains
 An application to demo the Bluey's capabilitiesA Bluey demo
 Hello World BlinkyA simple application that blinks a LED
 Hello World RTT printfA simple application that blinks a LED and outputs a printf statement over SEGGER's Real Time Transfer (RTT) channel through the JLink debugger
 SAADC LoggerLow power analog data logger with the SAADC peripheral. The image below gives the flow of how the peripherals of nRF52 is setup for this application
 The code for the PIR based Sense units.The PIR sense application's main file that makes it operate
 The code for the active IR based Sense units.The active IR sense application's main file that makes it operate
 A demo of a simple state machineA simple state machine of three states is implemented in this example both switch statement and function pointers. This example is compiled for the Bluey board. The state machine is as shown in the diagram below. Note that button in the diagram means the release of the button
 System level testing application for Sense Rev4 boardThe main file for System level testing application which is used to test functioning of board
 Hardware testing application for Sense Rev4 boardThe main file for hardware testing application which is used to test functioning of board
 CodebaseThe various code-base developed for the applications to use
 Hardware Abstraction LayerHardware abstraction layer for the peripherals to be used with the hal defines in the SDK
 Peripheral ModulesModules that are strongly tied to peripheral(s) directly for their operation
 SoftDevice Assist librariesContains libraries needed for working with the Nordic Semi SoftDevices
 Generic utility codeCode as helpers for common tasks
 PlatformsAll the hardware platforms that the applications can run on
 Bluey rev 1.1The defines for the Bluey board 1.1 by Electonut
 Appiko Detect Revision 1The first revision of the animal detector unit by Appiko
 hackaBLEThe hackaBLE board for development and testing.
 PCA10028 nRF51-DKThe nRF51 Development Kit (DK) platform PCA10028
 PCA10040 nRF52-DKThe nRF52 Development Kit (DK) platform PCA10040
 Appiko Sense Be unit revision 1Board definitions for the 2nd revision of the transreceiver unit of SenseBe active motion sensor by Appiko
 Appiko Sense Be unit revision 3Board definitions for the 3rd revision of the transceiver unit of SenseBe active motion sensor by Appiko
 Appiko Sense Be Rx unit revision 1Board definitions for the 1st revision of the receiver unit of SenseBe active motion sensor by Appiko
 Appiko Sense Be Rx unit revision 2Board definitions for the 2nd revision of the receiver unit of SenseBe active motion sensor by Appiko
 Appiko Sense Revision 2The second revision of the animal detector unit by Appiko
 Appiko Sense Revision 3The third revision of the animal detector unit by Appiko
 Appiko SensePi revision 4Board definitions for the 4th revision of the passive motion sensor by Appiko
 S2LP LibrariesThis firmware implements libraries which allow the user to manage the features of S2LP without knowing the hardware details
 SPI DriverHeader file for low level S2LP SPI driver
 CommandsManagement of S2LP Commands
 ConfigurationS2LP Configuration and useful defines
 CSMAConfiguration and management of S2LP CSMA
 FIFOConfiguration and management of S2LP FIFO
 GeneralConfiguration and management of S2LP General functionalities
 GPIOConfiguration and management of S2LP GPIO
 Pkt CommonConfiguration and management of the common features of S2LP packets
 Pkt BasicConfiguration and management of S2LP Basic packets
 Pkt STackConfiguration and management of S2LP STack packets
 Pkt WMbusConfiguration and management of S2LP WMbus packets
 QIConfiguration and management of S2LP QI
 RadioConfiguration and management of S2LP RF Analog and Digital part
 TimerConfiguration and management of S2LP Timers
 Timer WrapperConfiguration and management of S2LP Timers using floating point
 TypesModule for S2LP types definition
 SDK Examples
 Configuration CommonRadio and packet parameters definitions
 SDK Basic Generic
 SDK-EVAL NUCLEOThis module is used to configure the SDK Eval board and allows to manage its peripherals in a simple way
 SDK EEPROM ManagementManagement of Software Development Kit eval board EEPROM
 SDK EVAL ConfigSDK EVAL configuration
 SDK EVAL SpiSPI functions implementation
 SDK EVAL ButtonManagement of Software Development Kit eval board push-buttons
 SDK EVAL ComManagement of Software Development Kit eval board COM ports
 SDK EVAL GpioGPIO Configuration used in the Development Kit eval board to drive GPIOs
 SDK EVAL LedManagement of Software Development Kit eval board Leds
 SDK SPIRIT Management